Walk the dune paths and be inspired

Beauty Abounds

Come share your experience, knowledge, skills, and passion for Avalon's natural environment with other local creative minds to protect this treasure. We welcome your ideas and your membership in Protect Avalon's Dunes, Inc.

Protect Avalon's Dunes



Inspire others

"Avalon's Crown Jewel" 

Avalon's High Dunes, a mostly undeveloped stretch of sandy grassland and woods thick with bayberry, Atlantic white cedar, and pines that soar 50 feet above the beachfront, are unique along the southern New Jersey shore.

​"We do have these historic dunes that are unique to Avalon, and my personal feeling is that when you take one shovelful of sand out of them, you are negatively affecting the entire infrastructure," former Avalon Borough Councilman Dave Ellenberg said. "We have to do whatever we can to preserve them." (Philadelphia Inquirer, July 16, 2006)